I’m Thankful For…

I am thankful for all the things that God does for me. He gives my family so many blessings and I am so grateful for all of them.  I am also am thankful for having what I have.  The food I get everyday, the family that I love so much, and the house I have.  Finally I am thankful for my dad and my mom.  They do so much for me and provide everything I need to live a happy life.  These are only a few of the many things that I am thankful for.

10/6/16 First Crush

My first crush was in 5th grade, Her name was Caitlin.  She had red hair and freckles.  We dated for 1 1/2 years.  She was so sweet, nice, and pretty.  She has a beautiful smile and perfect teeth.   Once we face chatted for 8 hours straight, most of the time we didn’t know what to talk about and just kept saying random things.  On her birthday she went to a roller skating rink.  She invited me and a couple of friends.  After a while I may or may not have fell and split my pants.